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01|03|2024 Your Ultimate Guide to Your Service Transformation

Build and maintain your pace in your service transformation.meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

29|02|2024 ‘Augmented mentality’: zijn we klaar voor een AI-gestuurde upgrade van ons brein?

In de nabije toekomst zijn AI-assistenten betrokken bij alles dat we doen. Ze bemoeien zich met aankoopbeslissingen, sociale interacties en nog veel meer.meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

28|02|2024 Augmented mentality: are we ready for AI to upgrade our minds?

In the near future, AI assistants are poised to become our constant companions, offering advice and insights on everything from shopping decisions to social interactions.meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

05|02|2024 AI in Tech: From Buzzword to Business Backbone

Today, TSIA research team has identified over 70 potential use cases for AI across technology organizations.meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

02|02|2024 Gartner HR Research Finds High-Performers, Women, Millennials Are Greatest Flight Risks When Strict Return to Office Mandates Are Implemented

Gartner survey :Among high-performing employees, their intent to stay was 16% lower with these rigid Return To Office (RTO)mandatesmeer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

01|02|2024 Why Customer Feedback Loops Should Be Part of Your Growth Strategy

Key highlights of collecting, measuring, and analyzing customer feedback meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL

01|02|2024 Gartner: Top Priorities for Customer Service Leaders in 2024

Future-forward insights to meet challenges and drive success meer...

Categorie: Home, AFSMI-NL